
Search Engine Optimisation and Conversion Rate Optimisation

While social media does not directly impact search engine optimisation, it can help your business network and create opportunities for guest posting and link building. Search engine optimisation can boost website traffic, but without conversion, it will not grow. Therefore, you should also work on improving the conversion rate. You can significantly increase your revenue and customer base by ensuring that your website has a high conversion rate.

On-page optimisation

One of the critical factors for ranking well on search engines is producing user-friendly content. Unfortunately, too many companies create content aimed at appealing to search engines, but users are the ones who are likely to spend the most time on your pages. Following best practices, you can create user-friendly content that will earn you a high ranking.


The first step to implementing schema markup for your website is to create a structure of the data on your page. This structure will help search engines understand the data and make the Knowledge Panel, the box at the bottom right of SERPs, more informative. If you don’t have any technical experience, you can hire a web admin to help you with this process. There are several ways to use schema markup on your website.

Google’s search algorithm

While the specifics of Google’s search algorithm are a closely guarded business secret, you can get the lowdown from senior webmaster trends analyst John Mueller. Mueller serves as an unofficial spokesperson for Google and attempts to bridge the knowledge gap between SEOs and Google. He says that while Google is reluctant to reveal details of its algorithm, it drops hints on how to stay on Google’s good side. So if you’re an SEO Adelaide, it’s crucial to stay on top of Google’s search algorithm.

Keyword research

Before you can begin creating content, you must first perform keyword research. Keyword research is finding the words that people search for most often. By studying popular topics and how often they are searched, you can determine what kind of content your target audience is looking for. This information can be used to develop a keyword strategy for your website. Keyword research has three main elements:

Page speed

The time a webpage takes to load is known as its page speed. In Google’s Core Web Vitals Algorithm, several factors are considered, such as time to interact and opportunities and diagnostics. The more parameters on the list, the better, and the higher the chance of achieving good page speed. You can do some things to increase the speed of your page, including changing your ads and implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN).


One of the most critical factors in SEO is the website’s usability. Websites that deliver a delightful user experience will often rank highly on Google. Usability of the website is crucial for Google’s ranking algorithm, so long-form articles are essential for ranking well. Visual content, such as infographics and vlogs, can also help your website rank high. Navigation structure plays a vital role in the usability of your website. Navigation in web apps and blog posts can have a positive or negative effect on the usability of a website.

Social media

While social media is not an SEO strategy, it can help your website indirectly. Using social media to promote content will increase brand awareness, which in turn will help your site rank higher for branded searches on Google. By leveraging your social media presence, you will also be able to promote high-quality content that otherwise wouldn’t reach a large number of people. Read on to learn how social media can help your SEO efforts.

SEO for startups

While Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a necessary component for online marketing success, implementing conversion rate optimisation techniques is even more vital. Conversion rate optimisation involves understanding how to encourage visitors to take specific actions on your website. These actions can range from signing up for a free trial to adding products to a shopping cart. They can even include downloading content, purchasing, or collecting information. Therefore, conversion rate optimisation techniques are integral to SEO and provide distinct benefits.