What Does the National Disability Insurance Scheme Provide?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides consistent disability support depending on individual requirements. In addition, the National Disability Insurance Scheme provides income support based on medical needs and the number of dependent members. In Victoria, the NDIS is available from July 2021 to April 2021. Under the NDIS, there is a plan tailored specifically to your particular objectives, circumstances and disability requirements.

NDIS plan managementTo start with, the eligibility criteria for the National Disability Insurance Scheme is laid out in the Act. Eligibility criteria require that an applicant be: diagnosed as having a physical impairment which significantly limits the ability to engage in any regular and ordinary course of life, permanently affecting ones’ ability to lead everyday and functional life; be of normal mental health; be capable of performing the functions of an ordinary person; and have the intention of applying for disability services. In addition, eligibility for disability support is also provided for people suffering from a long-term disabling condition, severe or prolonged medical conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, or a severe accident. Similarly, pregnant women and people taking preventive medication are eligible for the scheme.

The NDIS plan management provides a variety of disability support options. The disability support options are designed to provide a comprehensive range of assistance to those who require such assistance to live an independent life. Some disability supports are long-term disability supports, income support, guaranteed income support, residential disability supports, and support for economically inactive. In addition, the scheme offers different disability assistance plans for different kinds of disabilities. Among these are the following:

– Income support is one of the critical features of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and its features provide long-term income support to qualified disabled persons and their families. The scope of income support covers almost all categories of disabilities. Federal and territorial governments provide it through programs and schemes administered by the Social Service Department and the Ministry of Social Development.

– The other major disability scheme offered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme is the Individualised Family Assistance (IFAA). IFAA enables parents of blind and physically disabled children to financially assist them in meeting their children’s day-to-day living expenses. A family member who is not a qualified disabled person can also apply for the same. The application process and terms and conditions for application are very similar to that of the Social Services Parental Guaranteed Cash Program (SSGP). The eligibility requirements for the same are also quite similar. This scheme aims to prevent the disability condition of an individual from becoming an obstacle in the person’s pursuit of the objectives of life. Eligibility for this scheme is also provided through the combined efforts of the Social Service and the Department of Health.

– Another scheme that caters to persons with disabilities is the Special Measures Benefit Schemes. These are supplementary plans for people with disabilities that are payable in certain circumstances. These include death, disablement, or disposal of a business. Eligible individuals are those who are not self-sufficient. The list of circumstances under which these special measures benefit schemes is available includes childbirth, accidents, critical injuries, military service, or military training.